You know me already - I am Parvati, the founder of the center and live here with my daughter Sunanda. Since autumn 2021 Pryia also lives here, my dog. Since half a year there's also the cat Ishan and some weeks ago the dog Phoebe found her way to Maha Maya Land.
But of course there are more humans, who work with all their heart to implement the vision of the center. Here I want to introduce them to you:

In january 2022 it was the time: Finally Andrea is here! Andrea is my right hand for many years. From the first second of my vision of Maha Maya Center on she supported me with such a power and heart. Andrea and Ajith (I will introduce underneath) guided my through the administrative jungle. Andrea is very good in organizing everything, so that I can do my work. She is a friend sent by heaven. Now it’s her first visit on Maha Maya land, lots of work is waiting for us, lots of blessings, lots of joy.
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai

I want to introduce Alex Babu. Alex is a successful architect in Cochin. I don’t know how we actually found each other – somehow he was suddenly there.
I engaged him from Vienna - somebody knew somebody, who knew him. But as I always rely on my “heart-radar”, I knew he was the right person for this task.
From the very beginning he understood my vision and implemented it in a very open and sensitive way. I could watch everything became manifest and visible for me from the very beginning.
Anyhow to show him as an architect, I need to say that I have no clue about architecture and building. So many incredible ideas, so many details bear his signature. I admire how he placed the buildings on the land – not only placing, but integrating the buildings. I had no clue about the wonderful roofing in Kerala, that he implemented in the center.
The seminar hall is incredible and perfect to work in. It’s a huge octahedron with open sides that allow a warm breeze to flow through. It’s so silent, you can hear only the birds. Alex understood what was needed for this place and made it possible to appear.
When I talk about Alex, I have to mention that he is part of a wonderful loving family. Every member of this family became part of Maha Maya Center with their heart and soul. I especially need to talk about Alex wife, Merin. Merin and Alex worked together for the center from the very beginning and I could see how enriching this cooperation is.
I could not imagine anybody else for the implementation of Maha Maya Retreat Center.
Namaste, Alex and Merin!

The main person of Babu family is Lisa, the mother of Alex and Ajith.
You may wonder, why I think she is the main person? Well, when you are invited in the house of the family, it is her who gives you a very warm welcome. This shining and so powerful women welcomes you with a big smile and immediately offers you snacks and fresh juices that she prepared. Even though she moves back to the silent room, when conversation comes to business issues, she is so appreciable as the loving and caring mom. She came to the construction site very seldom, but when she came, she had her grand-daughter Lia on the arm and she walked over the land and you could feel her love and that her sons and their work are all her pride and joy.
She always knew, when we needed some fresh cooked food and sent it to Maha Maya Land as a an encouragement. And it’s not only the wonderful smell and taste that helped us so much, but the loving support, that we could feel.
There’s so much feminity and motherliness in her.

If I would have had to put the introduction of the Babu family in an order, it would have been Ajith to begin with. Simply because I have worked with him the most. He is responsible for all the administration, the financial issues and all tax related issues. He is full of energy, powerful and though sensitive and emotional – he supported me and Maha Maya Center from the very beginning and he actually carried us through a lot. I could not imagine, how I would have gone through all the different laws and bank issues without him taking my hand and pulling me through it. While all this he showed a never ending and altruistic willingness to take care of other thousand things, that came from my quite challenging ideas of details in the temple area or in the garden, that came from things I needed for Sunanda or for example bringing my dog to India. All these and many more things he constantly took care of and still takes care of. When I wonder why he showed so much effort, it is probably the love to the vision of Maha Maya center.
Of course we became close friends, because such a journey makes you belong to each other. He is always there, with such a strength and joy.
One thing that I love about him is that Maha Maya center is not only work for him, it became part of his life.
With lots of joy, I want to mention his wife Binitha (@binitha_m_jose). They are only married for a few month. Binitha supports her husband with all her love and joy and plays an active role - like all the other women in this family. She just took over the social media marketing together with Andrea – I am happy that she will be a consistent part of Maha Maya Center.

Babu is the father of Ajith and Alex – he was a very important person during the construction time on Maha Maya land.
Actually he is running a business himself, but he stayed at Maha Maya land every single day to supervise the site – even at the rainy days of monsoon. He always gave a ear to all my small wishes like – having stairs for Sunandas trampoline, the swing, the stones on the floor in the exact right distance to the small temples. He loves flowers and knows most of them – therefore he always was a good advisor. We love his softness with his strength and straightness behind, which takes influence on the whole family.
When we woke up in the morning, the first thing Sunanda wanted to do was to run to Babu and give him a good morning hug.
When I was in worries – mainly because of the timetable – he always smiled and answered “no problem”.
Now, as the building time is finished, we miss him at Maha Maya land.
Once more I want to mention how healing and beautiful it is to see a family working together so powerful and supporting.
This was the best start, the best preparation for what is going to happen on this land…

It’s amazing how the plants on Maha Maya land are growing already, how the trees in the retreat part and in the permaculture deliver fruits already. I am grateful every single day.
Therefor it’s really high time now to introduce Christine to you.
I got to know Christine about 10 years ago. She was working in the event management in Vienna then. But she made a great decision and started tramping. She started working for many ecological projects around the world, she learned everything about permaculture.
We kept being in contact over the years and when I had the vision of Maha Maya Center and the encloses permaculture, I invited her to design the concept for the garden and to implement it. Christine lives in Portugal now, so she visits Maha Maya Center as often as she can to build up the regenerative permaculture. For me this is a very fascinating system – she knows which herbs she has to plant under which trees, so that they get the right nutrition from the falling down leaves – it’s brilliant!
Chrisi– as we call her - is a shining happy person when she can walk barefoot and sow the seeds.
For us this regenerative permaculture gives us the opportunity to develop a very humbly and grateful position to mother earth and to feel the joy when enjoying the fruits and vegetables.
Chrisi’s concept of the garden is which such a passion for the details, that it will be an oasis of well-being, a place for the get together of all people staying at Maha Maya Land. They may practice some karma yoga, help in the garden and overcome the illusion of separation.
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.