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Healing Home

Maha Maya Center of Consciousness Logo

Healing Home

Maha Maya Center of Consciousness Logo


Healing Home

The vision of healing home

My name is Parvati Reicher and since many years I accompany people on their way to heal. Since I live in India, I took a lot of time, to think about a woman's worth and a mother's worth.
I noticed that this topic in particular needs healing, all over the world. We all have a mother, a sister, a daughter who will give and gave life.
What a miracle when we hold a newborn being for the first time - what a shame for all of us, for the whole world, when that being is later humiliated and violated.

It concerns us all. Because it happens in families, on the street, everywhere and anytime.

In Kerala there are two words, that I like very much: CHECHI and CHERTA. Sister and brother - that's how you address each other. And that's the truth.

We are all Chechis, no matter where we live and what we experienced.

I build a home for women here, who suffered from violence. They can life here until they can get back on their feet and live independently. They can heal here in peace, are taught meditation so that they can forgive and that they no longer identify themselves with what has been done to them .
They get support, when they need an education. They will live here in residential units, harvest their vegetables in the permaculture next door, cook together, take care of their children and follow a very simple rhythm of life without distractions.
Together with other helpers I will be there for them until they get up again.

Maha Maya Center

Because there is one thing I am absolutely convinced of: Humanity should be our highest religion!!

I was asked why I chose the name Maha Maya Center, and if there was a religious background.
Well, there is a spiritual background: Maha Maya in Sanskrit is the great illusion.

People usually identify with the limits given to them by culture and family. Thus, they identify with performance, material values, and events that they have experienced and survived.
But that's just not the truth. This is an illusion.
When we look behind the illusion, we see the truth. Then we see again the perfect one being given by God's grace after our birth in our mother's arms. In that first moment of our lives we are still seen as miracles, as perfect, and that is the truth.
It's not just changing because we forget it, either. When we need to heal something, we cannot undo what has happened. We have to deal with this.
But when we remember our soul that is always in God's hands - then we heal. Because then we look behind the illusion of our pain.

That is the meaning of this center: Humanity has to be the highest religion.

I firmly believe that every person - no matter what their background and no matter what has happened to them - can rise to their dignity, to their absolute self-worth, if only they get the right help. That is the meaning of the Maha Maya Center of Consciousness. This is my story, my daughter's story, and the story of many people I have been privileged to accompany over the past 20 years.

Parvati Reicher

Life at healing home

Healing home offers shelter, save haven and security. It offers the possibility to heal in peace, in their own speed and in mindfulness

In this mental and emotional healing process HIAO Healing is the keystone.

HIAO is a sound that in itself carries the memory of what makes us human and and the power within ourselves.
HIAO Healing is a direct path to perceive ourselves in an immense scale.
We get to know ourselves as an energetic universe, we learn how to take influence on our energetic structure.

Healing Home

The goals are clearly defined:

Every woman may develop a new understanding of her life and her worth.

Every woman may develop a new understanding of her life and her worth. She is supported in finding a way to care for herself and her children. With a job or in a community. In safety and with new self-confidence.

This applies to women from India, but of course also to women who will find their way to us from afar.

Support and volunteering

At the moment - June 2023 - healing home is in it's building phase. Later on it will be refinanced by the Retreat center, but for the moment we are depending on support to realize the vision. If you feel you want to support the center in the building phase or later on, you have to possibility to do so:

We often get inquiries from people who want to volunteer at Maha Maya Center. Volunteering is possible in the differnt pillars of the center (Healing Home - Permaculture - Retreat Center). Please don't hesitate to send an inquiry to: info@maha-maya-center.comWe will come back to you and discuss the possibilities.

Maha Maya Center of Consciousness
Parvati Reicher
Vienna - Austria
Kerala - India
Tel.: 0043 699 11 044 258

gemeinwohl-siegelOur centre is a public welfare audited project.

If you want to donate for the center, click here:

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Life and Visit at Maha Maya Center

Grüß Euch – oder vandanam, wie man auf Malayalam sagt 😊 Heute möchte ich Euch vom Leben im und um...

What our guests speak

"Dieser Ort ist einfach magisch, mit jedem Atemzug und mit jedem Schritt auf diesem Boden wurde ich von einer ganz speziellen Energie durchströmt, die ich bis heute noch spüren kann."

Petra (HIAO Single Retreat)

Im Maha Maya Center habe ich die Einzigartigkeit meiner Seele und ihr Bedürfnis, etwas zu schaffen, wiederentdeckt.
Die Stille und Gelassenheit erhellen immer noch meine Seele.

Christine (Guest)

"Während des HIAO Retreats tauchte ich in eine völlig neue Welt ein... diese Übungen zeigten bald eine tiefe Wirkung auf mich selbst, und innere Wunden begannen zu heilen, unnötiger Ballast begann abzufallen."

Monika (HIAO Retreat)