HIAO Retreat

HIAO Retreat

HIAO Retreat
HIAO Retreat – February 2024

Every one of us carries the key for awakening. Following our karma, we will apparently follow a path in our life, that may display this key.
Every one of us carries the key for awakening. Following our karma, we will apparently follow a path in our life, that may display this key. There is so much wisdom in this world, so many techniques that have the potential to free the chains of illusion, to lead to reli-gio, to help to identify with the light. This might be the way of shaman, of the mayas, of yoga or HIAO. We may trust, that if a path attracts us we can follow it, because our soul brought it into our life.
If we are western people, we might ask: if budhist monks learn meditation from the very beginning, if children in India attend a Sanskrit school, if mayas pass the wisdom from generation to generation, how should we follow this path, when we life a western life?
How can it lead us to inner wisdom and to inner freedom – to the knowledge of our self?
Is this possible in a western life?
Well, everybody has the freedom to decide what is important in ones life.
Well, everybody has the freedom to decide what is important in ones life. We might assume that there are many seducements, that may put humans off the path of the desire to perceive a free, full and huge life.
I am happy to offer a HIAO retreat to this huge topic here in Maha Maya land in Kerala.
We train our body to make it permeable again. In this state you will attend vedic ceremonies, like puja, seva for the shiva lingam and holy fire.
It’s more than urgent now, that EVERY human immerses in spirituality.
It’s time for Shakti – the female creativity.
Because if shakti relieves in every one of us and in the world itself, then we all find the deep female potential to sense wisdom. If we remember what it is like to sense, we will realize how magic these old rites are that were taken over by all religions.
Then we feel and perceive the magic and become part of it.
Maha Maya land is dedicated to this duty. The healing of shakti in every man and every women.
It will deeply change your imagination, your pride, your creativity.

Facts about the retreat
The retreat takes place from 29th of February to 13th of March 2024.
14 days stay with 9-10 retreat days
Price per person in double occupation: € 1660.00 plus 18% tax
Price per person in single room: € 1.920,- plus 18% GSTax (if available)
Requests to be sent to info@maha-maya-center.com
Included in the price:
Participation in the retreat and rites, vegetarian fullboard, airport transportation, all transportations included in the retreat, 1 ayuvedic massage per person