Silence Retreat

Silence Retreat

Silence Retreat
HIAO Silence Retreat - July 2024

We know that in order to draw strength, to make decisions, to explore deep within ourselves what we want to do, give and experience in this life, deep inner peace is the most important thing. This is how we can gain clarity about so many areas in our lives.
However, this is exactly what most people find so difficult: to come to peace within themselves and with themselves.
There seem to be a thousand reasons why we can't find peace. You often blame external circumstances, other people, your family or your job, but in reality there is only one person who is preventing you from finding peace, and that is yourself.
No matter how hard you try, your thoughts will not calm down.
But once you consciously experience this and are able to immerse yourself in the infinite vastness and peace within yourself, you will realize that your body will be very happy to serve you in the future and accompany you into peace. Because the body loves to be a temple of peace, just as much as it loves to be alive!
If you have this wish, then come to the Maha Maya Land silence retreat during the monsoon season.
The elemental force of the rain is so strong, so loud, so beautiful, it is easy for our thoughts to become silent, because the longing to just BE comes to the fore with ease during these days.
Eckdaten zum Seminar:
The retreat takes place from 1st to 12th of Juli 2024.
10 days stay with 7 retreat days.
Price per person in double room: € 1.260,- plus 18% GSTax
Price per person in single room: € 1.520,- plus 18% GSTax (if available)
Early bird when booking before 31.3.2024:
DZ: 1.080,- plus 18%tax
EZ: 1.340,- plus 18%tax
Requests to be sent to info@maha-maya-center.com
Included in the price:
Participation in the retreat and rites, vegetarian fullboard, airport transportation, all transportations included in the retreat, 1 ayuvedic massage per person