Greetings - or vandanam, as they say in Malayalam 😊
Today I want to tell you about life at Maha Maya Land.
There is also a sensation... when you drive to Maha Maya Land, you come across a small bridge that leads over a small pond that was created from a tributary of a river. At least in the rainy season. And there 2 crocodiles have lost their way. And now that the river is dry, they can't go back.
Therefore, of course, there is great excitement among the Village people, because the children play there, the women wash their laundry and Priya likes to go swimming there - well, not at the moment ...😊

Since crocodiles never leave the water, of course I feel perfectly comfortable and safe in Maha Maya Land...
But what does it feel like to be at Maha Maya Land?
There has never been a person here who did not immediately fall in love with Maha Maya Land, nor a person who was not deeply touched by "something" they could not name.

However, people who visit such a place - that is, a place dedicated with the greatest possible intensity to its purpose - get per se more and more energy. We like that, of course.
Our meditation experiences go into depth very easily.
But what else does more energy mean? When the energy increases in the temples, in the garden all over the country, it naturally has consequences for ourselves. Our issues are amplified, everything that is dormant wants to show itself. If you don't learn to watch your thoughts here, what you don't like so much also intensifies... super exciting.
That's why it's so important to understand that you need a spiritual practice here so that your body can do this shifting well.
Our Chechis - staff members - have started to practice HIAO, and also our women and children in the Healing Home will practice a daily HIAO session together, then their process will become much more tangible, comprehensible and easier.
And so I grow more and more into my role of being responsible here.
This happens not only with thousands of big and small decisions that I had to and was allowed to make since the beginning, but also, for example, by getting to know the mentality of the people here. I understand that mentalities in different countries are quite different and that dealing with each other is therefore often unfamiliar. That's exactly why you need a sensitive, clear attitude in order to make the right decisions when it comes to people, to employees.
Being responsible, however, also means that I give my greatest effort to the temples and also understand that I am not only taking care of and managing this place, but in which I recognize that my previous career has led me here.

Let me explain it this way: I was and am allowed to bring back the ancient knowledge of HIAO, which is not a technique but a way of life. An awareness of consciousness/life, that is.
So HIAO is a big part of this happening here at Maha Maya Land. Grasping how to fall in love with the life that you are.
I often sneak out of the house at night, when no one is working or awake, and sit down somewhere.
Then I feel the incredible aliveness, the pulsation and vibration of this Maha Maya land. And then there is no difference between the dancing cells in my body and the whirring all around me. The feeling of complete surrender to life arises. Then all is well....

And should I ever have any doubts about how to go on, about whether I "can" do it all or about what is ahead for Sunanda and me, then it takes a moment like this... then all is well. Then there are no uncertainties and fears in the future. And for this moment, yes, you only need to breathe consciously once here.... Thank you HIAO.
I told you that there was already a single retreat here with a dear lady whom I saw here for the first time.
I am not surprised when I see how intensely HIAO brings people quickly into a completely different position in their lives. But to see how this goes here at Maha Maya Land, how deeply touching this process is here, brings me into a deep joy and gratitude.
Whether in the seminar hall, or in the garden, by the fire or while walking across the country, it seems as if many beings are supporting the process and the lady probably felt the same...
A single person is not able to achieve such a security and safety for a deep, inner process🙏.
It is very touching to see when a person is so courageous to engage in such a time, in such a process. The first group here was also allowed to dive deeply into this process.
It can also be observed that in the beginning everyone is very keen to get to know Kerala, to go to the sea, to the shopping mall, to the many beautiful places around..... But after some time they become calmer and rather want to stay at Maha Maya Land. They feel that the process inside of them needs time, peace and an inner space, that this time here has a meaning for them. A big smile spreads deep inside me, because I understand them very well. After all, we don't want to leave here anymore... 😊
Best wishes,
Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai
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